Newest Releases


Wooden Kimono

Ding Dong Sessions Part One

In The Doghouse Again (single)

Hammer These Tongs
Pugsley Buzzard Swamp Orchestra
Before finding a home in jazz and blues, singer songwriter and piano player Pugsley Buzzard performed as a multi instrumentalist in various alternative and Indi rock bands, directed a 20 piece avant guarde chamber orchestra and composed music for various Theater companies and productions in his home town of Perth Western Australia and beyond.
Currently relocated in Europe Pugsley is currently working with his Berlin based band Pugsley Buzzard and the Swamp Orchestra also collaboration Hotfoot Powder and In duo with drummer Micha Maass…Buzzard & Maass
and in other various spontaneous line ups.
Pugsley’s music spans the entire spectrum from dark hoodoo blues
musings to good time rollicking boogie fuelled piano romps. Pugsley is a fascinating
and versatile songwriter and storyteller who also enjoys interpreting classic R&B, Jazz
and Funk tunes giving them his own fresh and unique treatment.
Pugsley‘s playing features Barrelhouse, Boogie, Stride piano stylings
dripping with New Orleans funk and oozing with tantalizing improvisation
which ranges from delicate and moody to wild and ecstatic.All accompanying his rich and distinctive Baritone Buzzsaw voice.
Pugsley Buzzard and the Swamp Orchesra:
The five-piece band dances exuberantly through time and space. Offbeat honky tonk meets the magic of Zappa and invites the beat poets Kerouac and Ginsberg for a drink. Pugsley Buzzard’s compositions tell of life-scarred vagabonds and sing the songs of the uprooted troubadours. Pugsley’s raw baritone gets under the skin and lets anyone with a heart in their chest experience the love of life and the blazing flame of passion. With him, the first-class band celebrates a Big Easy party and bows deeply to the Beat Poets, with the motto – Get The Buzz.
Pugsley Buzzard — Voc, Piano
Bernhard Ullrich — Sax
Rob Gutowski — Posaune
Tobi Fleischer — Bass
Micha Maass — Drums
Pugsley Buzzard Swamp Orchestra
Die fünfköpfige Band tanzt übermütig durch Zeit und Raum. Schräger Honky Tonk trifft auf den Zauber von Zappa und läd die Beat Poeten Kerouac und Ginsberg zum Drink ein. Pugsley Buzzard’s Kompositionen erzählen von Vagabunden, die vom Leben gezeichnet sind und singen die Lieder der entwurzelten Troubadoure. Puglsleys rauer Bariton geht unter die Haut und lässt jeden, der ein Herz in der Brust trägt, die Liebe zum Leben und die lodernde Flamme der Leidenschaft erleben. Mit Ihm zelebriert die erstklassige Band eine Big-Easy-Party und verneigt sich tief vor den Beat Poeten, mit dem Motto – Get The Buzz.
Pugsley Buzzard — Voc, Piano
Bernhard Ullrich — Sax
Rob Gutowski — Posaune
Tobi Fleischer — Bass
Micha Maass — Schlagzeug